Alaska Hill House
The Alaska Hill House is an passive-solar, extremely tight, low-energy, single family home. It is dug into a south facing, deciduously treed, hillside overlooking the Homer Spit and Kachemak Bay. The energy strategy is based on tying basic natural concepts with design choices. Large south facing, view windows, allow winter sunlight to fall on a dark concrete floor – while summer sun is obstructed by the buildings’ location amidst cottonwood trees. Details and material selection are driven by a desire to have the finished product have a hand built, site-worn, and personal feel. Raw steel and beetle killed spruce are used extensively.
- Homer, Alaska
Design + Build
- New Construction: 1500 sf house and 800 sf studio
- 2009-2013
- Herman Miller’s Modern Architecture Blog,
Photo Credits
- Meg Lyons, Stonorov Workshop, Rollo Scott